#5 – Room Layout
It may sound cliché, but many people don’t take into account the fact that the way your furniture is positioned can have a big impact on the way sound travels around the room. If you have thinly insulated walls and doors – try moving a couch or pushing a bookcase up against them. This will naturally dampen the reverberations and prevent the sound from bouncing around so much.
#4 – Rugs and Carpets
One of the most popular and inexpensive methods for soundproofing a room is to cover walls with thick rugs, blankets, or anything else with a few heavy layers of material. The other way sound can easily escape is through your floorboards. Particularly if you have neighbors living underneath, their footsteps and late night TV sessions can become a common annoyance. Laying a carpet will help with that, while keeping your studio cozy and warm during those bitter, winter months!
#3 – Thermal Curtains
Rugs and blankets are fantastic insulators for walls and doors. The problem is, windows are a lot harder to work with because so much sound escapes through the seals. If this is the kind of problem you’re having with your own studio, consider investing in some long, heavy duty blackout curtains. These are not only great insulators of heat, but the thick layers absorb a lot of extra sound too.
#2 – Seal the Gaps
If you’re still experiencing a lot of leakage through your doors and windows, another cheap and viable option is to invest in some weather-stripping or sealant tape. Doors don’t always sit properly in their frames, especially if it’s an old house. Simply reinforcing the gaps with sealant can reduce noise traffic, and if you want to go a step further – try one of those sausage-shaped draft blockers!
#1 – Acoustic Panels
Hanging panels filled with insulated material like acoustic foam or mineral wool are proven soundproof techniques. The downside is this can be a costly investment. And many argue that you may as well purchase soundproof tiles if convenience and time is a bigger priority. Nonetheless, if you want to put your DIY skills to good use, there’s some great step-by-step YouTube tutorials that talk you through how to do it!
Myth vs Fact: Do egg cartons make good soundproof material?
You’ve probably heard this theory from fellow musicians and producers, particularly if you’ve been discussing free methods for soundproofing a room. The truth is, egg cartons are reasonably good for reducing echo and changing the reflections of frequencies, but they’re also made of very lightweight and permeable material. This means they cannot absorb sound waves or stop sound from passing through completely. However, if you’re not too bothered about your cholesterol levels, we’d still say they’re worth trying out as the air gaps inside them act as a decent insulating agent. But they definitely won’t fix the whole problem.
Bottom Line
Soundproofing your studio doesn’t have to be a costly endeavor. Although proper panels are ultimately the best solution for resolving unwanted noise and disturbances, some of the above methods should make a significant difference if you can’t afford to splash out on the real deal. If you know any other foolproof, soundproof methods for doing up your music cave – be sure to let us know in the comments!
Do egg cartons make good soundproof material?
You’ve probably heard this theory from fellow musicians and producers, particularly if you’ve been discussing free methods for soundproofing a room. The truth is, egg cartons are reasonably good for reducing echo and changing the reflections of frequencies, but they’re also made of very lightweight and permeable material. This means they cannot absorb sound waves or stop sound from passing through completely. However, if you’re not too bothered about your cholesterol levels, we’d still say they’re worth trying out as the air gaps inside them act as a decent insulating agent. But they definitely won’t fix the whole problem.